Terms of Use

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Welcome to UseHindi
These Terms of Use outline the rules and regulations for the use of UseHindi’s Website.

Terms of Use

By entering and using UseHindi.com, you are agreeing to be bound by the following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which is a binding contract between you and the operator of this site. If you do not wish to be bound by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, request you to please exit the website immediately.

Binding Contract

The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy set forth below constitute a binding contract between each user of this website and UseHindi, the owner and operator of this site. We reserve the right to revise and update the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at any time. Users should revisit and review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which were last revised on 27-05-20, and familiarise themselves with any additions, deletions, or changes. Your continued access to and/or use of this site constitutes your acceptance of such revised and updated terms. “You” and “your” refers to each user of the site. “We,” “us” and “our” refer to the UseHindi, the owner, and operator of this site.

Age Restrictions

This site is intended for use only by adults who are 18 years or older. By accessing and using this site, and by uploading content to this site, you are confirming that you are an adult.

Submission of Content

UseHindi produces own content and All content is also produced by the users of the site. By submitting content of any kind to this Site (collectively, “Content”), you are confirming and agreeing to be bound by all of the following terms and provisions:

  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You are the sole author and owner of all rights in and to the Content (including words, images, sounds, etc.), and you are fully empowered to grant us the rights to use the Content as provided below without the knowledge, consent, or approval of any third party.
  • You reserve all rights in the Content subject only to the rights licensed to us as set forth below.
  • You hereby grant to us the non-exclusive, royalty-free, and irrevocable right to (a) adapt, edit and generally use and exploit all and/or any portion of the Content, alone and/or in combination with other content of any and all kinds whatsoever; (b) create and exploit derivative works of any and all kinds based on and/or embodying the Content; (c) distribute, publish, sell, display, store, exhibit, transmit, perform, broadcast, and generally exploit any and/or all of the foregoing; (d) use your name, image, and likeness in connection with any and/or all of the foregoing; and (e) authorize others to do so. The foregoing rights may be exercised by us and/or our licensees, successors and assign, throughout the world, in perpetuity, in any and all languages, and in any and all media now known or hereafter devised.
  • You hereby represent and warrant to us and our licensees, successors and assigns that the Content does not and will not invade, impair and/or infringe the rights of, and/or otherwise injure or damage, any third party (including, by way of example only, under the laws of copyright, trademark, right of publicity, right of privacy, and/or defamation), and the use of the Content will not expose us to any expense, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever.
  • You waive any right to compensation of any kind or in any amount in connection with the use of the rights granted to us above.
  • The rights you have granted to us in the Content may be freely assigned or sub-licensed by us, and your representations and warranties will inure to the benefit of, our licensees, successors, and assigns.

Right to Decline Content and Service

We review all content submitted to us. As so, we reserve the right to decline and/or take down any content that we deem to inappropriate, and the right to deny access to any user who uses the site and/or any content in any manner that we deem to be inappropriate, all in our sole and absolute discretion. We also reserve the right to suspend, alter, or discontinue the operation of the site and/or access to the site at any time in our sole and absolute discretion.

Intellectual Property

Subject to the reservation of rights in Content by users as set forth above, the entire contents of this site are Copyright © 2020 by UseHindi. All rights reserved. The trademarks, service marks, and trade dress displayed at this site are owned by UseHindi. References and links to third-party sites are owned by the respective site-owners, and no sponsorship or endorsement by, or affiliation with, such third parties is claimed or suggested. Anyone found imitating the site or stealing content from the site will be liable to prosecution.

Limitations on Liability

This UseHindi website and its content are made available to users without warranties, representations, indemnities or guarantees of any kind whatsoever. We specifically and expressly disclaim any liability for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of our in any way connected with access to or use of this site even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The maximum liability to users based on any claim arising out of or in connection with the site or its content shall in no case exceed the amounts, if any, paid by the user to us.

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